Monday, February 24, 2014

the personality of a samurai and the physical build of a penguin (spirit animal encounter)

Today, as I found myself walking down the hallway of my community college I noticed a stocky figure waddling towards me as I approach the door of the library. The man seemed very penguin like and sported a patch of hair similar to a cinnamon bun on his shiny head mostly lacking hair and mustache of a samurai complimenting his round framed glasses. Caught off guard by this peculiar looking fellow I stopped before opening the door. The man squawked, "Why'd ya stop stranger, see something you like?" He then continued to laugh at his own joke just before opening the door for me. Puzzled, a quiet "thanks” sputtered from my mouth and soon after the man said "you're welcome, Where ya from?" I wondered why this man, just meeting me wanted to be so curious and outgoing with a complete stranger. But I don't make many friends so I turned towards him and spoke the truth, "I'm from around these parts, I was sent on a mission to observe people" The man quickly scratched his chin scruff and said "so, you're stalking people? HA just kidding, sounds interesting young man! Well, you take care now!  I'm off to do some observing myself...If you know what I mean...ahahhahhaha" Then, after laughing at his own joke once more, the old bald man with a samurai like top bun waddled away with his large feet seamlessly gliding across the ground. Throughout the day I was still trying to make out what my eyes told my brain.  His face was burnt into my brain like a horror movie scene you just couldn't shake. A penguin like man with a narrow face that almost came to a point (as if the man actually had a beak) and his caterpillar like eyebrows rising after every word I spoke. I appreciated that he took the time to stop and talk and open the door for me but I couldn't help questioning if that situation was real or a product of my sleep deprived brain. Penguins are my favorite animal you know; just maybe I could've met my spirit animal today.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crendo fo-shendo nintendo (what?)

My crendo is that love is everywhere, we just have to open our ears and eyes. You don't necessarily have to say "i love you"  to tell someone that you love them, in fact my mom tells me she loves me every day by yelling at me to "STOP DRIVING LIKE AN IDIOT AND SLOW DOWN". It's an odd view of mine but I believe that words of caution like this are the epitome of love. Between the lines she's saying "be careful, you're my only son and I don't know what i'd do without you". At a younger age I would've completely disagreed with this and probably have responded with, "stop trying to control me you conformist!" (geeze was I a little punk). But now, i'm a big punk with a better understanding of how this big world works. Words of caution or people looking out for you are little signs of people loving you. Love is all around you, i've learned this in 19 years and the trick is to look inwardly and just open your ears and eyes. yeah dude....