Monday, January 27, 2014



    The typology test I had recently taken informed me that my match was an E.S.F.J. That acronym stands for; Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. This result didn't take me by surprise at all because, ever since I was a young boy I knew who I was and was ALWAYS "in touch with my emotions". To this day, I'll laugh at a funny movie ( obnoxiously loud if I might add), be terrified of a scary movie and wonder if it was "based on a true story" and the distinct possibility of the scenes becoming my life and cry during sad movies (try watching toy story 3 and tell me you didn't cry). I also, have always been an extrovert. I am always trying to make new friends by making them laugh or finding similarities between the person and I even if this person is the complete opposite of me. I'll always trust my gut rather than logic because from experience, it's the most comfortable way  can make decisions despite the outcome. Judging, however, has to be something I don't notice because I try to accept everyone for who they are. Maybe it means judging situations because I like to set myself up for success rather than make my own obstacles. (even though in my adolescence I cannot say the same...)
 All in all I am pleased to find out my results and may even take the full version of the Jung typology test since my better judgement tells me to (it's free at school, so why not). I am also pleased to find out that my personality type matches up with the one and only Bill Clinton.

The "cool" Thing to do in 7th grade for me and my friends was to grow out our hair. However, when I grew out my hair I quickly realized that I couldn't get the "swoop" justin bieber hair that all of my friends had. No, instead my hair grew up instead of down and created an Afro. I quickly learned that Afros were not "the thing to have" as a 7th grader. My father has baby pictures of him just rocking it with confidence. I could not...I tried to were hats to kind of flatten my hair (because in my mind, straightening my hair was not an option. That was for girls). That awesome idea gave my hair a mushroom look that I thought I could master...and for awhile I thought everyone else thought so too! I would here " Cool hair dude" or "AFRO THUNDER" when I played basketball but, as I grew older I realized my hair wasn't getting compliments. Instead. it was just adding to my comic value. I thought I was a rather funny kid but the more I look back on it the more I realize anything a funny looking white guy with an Afro says is going to be funny. I mean just think about about it, I apparently didn't at the time. And it didn't stop there, I also thought I was a ladies man. So when girls would ask to braid my hair I let them! At one point in time I let a girl named Ty Wray give me cornrows before one of my basketball games. I wasn't that dumb though, I knew it look horrid. But I am a hopeless romantic so despite the teasing I received from my closest friends, I kept them all day.


 There seems to be a common theme to my band practices, however long or short they may be. This theme is that; The less clothes I wear and/or the sillier clothes that I wear the more I can channel my "creative energy". Now this sounds insane, absurd, maybe a little stroke of genius but all in all it works for me. Take for instance, the time in zach's barn. (the first Little League Champs practice) the rest of the band had given up today saying that we had "no direction" and "we couldn't possibly write a song, we aren't musicians" Zach (the drummer and honestly the talent) and myself (the guitar player and comic relief) refused to accept that. After 30 more minutes of racket, I decided that it was entirely too hot to be practicing in jeans and a t-shirt. So, I stripped down to my boxers and played the first riff that came to mind. That sparked instantly (not me being naked, but the riff) in zach's eyes and he created a cool double time beat. When the rest of our band had returned zach and I were in our boxers playing a full 2:30 minute song we had created in half an hour. Andrew (our vocalist and ultimately the band's demise) asked, "how did you guys come up with this?" and zach blurted "ALEX TOOK OFF HIS PANTS AND STARTED TO PLAY THE GUITAR REAL GOOD" everyone soon followed suit and we ended up creating a full song together, horrible singing in all. So in Little League Champs, when we wanted to write, it started with the band members wearing the least amount of clothes possible. But never naked...that would be weird. And for the sake of zach's grandmother. She's old and we didn't want her to eliminate our practice spot. 

Throughout the years of playing in 3 bands this theme has stuck with me whether I was playing guitar or yelling in some punk band. Clothes just kinda restricted my creative mojo. No one has really seemed to mind...yet but I don't really ask for their opinion. Also, no band really likes the idea of doing this either. But i will continue to do so until this it fails.